Monday, January 3, 2011

35 weeks pregnant and 35 days to go!

Wowza.  I can't believe that 2010 is long gone and I'm at week 35 with my pregnancy with only 5 more weeks to go.  2010 literally feels like it disappeared in the blink of an eye.  There were so many things to be thankful for in 2010.  I graduated with my master's degree, my sister got married to a wonderful guy and of course, my pregnancy.  There were a million other things that happened that I'm so grateful for, but those are just a handful of things that stick out in my mind.  One thing is for sure, I would not have been able to get through the end of 2010 without my friends.  I'm pretty sure they're sick and tired of my constant barrage of questions regarding my pregnancy.  On New Year's Eve, I was sitting with two of my closest friends after a wonderful meal, and I turned our lovely conversation into a Q & A session  ranging from contractions to nursing bras to poopy diapers...not your typical New Year's Eve convo...I'm sure my friends were thrilled...  Little do my friends know, the bombardment of questions is only going to get worse once my little lady is here!

All these questions of course, stem from slight (or major???) anxiety as the big day gets closer.  It's not like I've never been around babies or changed diapers before...but you still don't know what to expect with your own child.  I keep having dreams that my baby is a boy!!  So then I wake up feeling a little nauseous in the fact that I might be pregnant with a boy and that he's going to have to wear pink for the first 9 months of his life and that I'm still going to have to name him Violet Ann because of all the personalized/monogrammed things that I have with that name!  Then I also worry about losing all the baby weight that I've gained and how I'm going to have enough time to work out as much as I need.  Working out has always been an important part of my life and I realize that my priorities are going to change drastically once V is here and I wonder how I'm going to deal with the I said, I've been driving myself nuts with all these different questions/scenarios/thoughts.  But one thing is for sure, I'm so ready to have this baby (whether it's a girl OR a boy)!  I know that I'll figure out answers to all my questions (or most of my questions) day by day and learn from my mistakes as well.  2010, you've been so good to me and 2011, let's get this show on the road!
Big and uncomfortable...notice the fake smile...  


  1. Soo! You look awesome. Go mama go!

  2. My dearest Soo - you look precious in your pics. I get so excited to hear all your stories -- IM SO HAPPY. I miss you and I cant wait to come visit.

  3. can't believe you only have 35 days to go!! so excited to meet my niece in feb! hang in there!
