Monday, August 22, 2011

I Need Travel Advice...

This Thursday, baby daddy, V and I leaving for a much needed vacay.  We're meeting some great friends and their three kids down at my in law's condo.  Yes, that's right.  Our vacay consists of 4 kids under the age of 5.  To many people, this may not sound like a vacation, but I'm super excited.  Hey, at least we're not outnumbered, right???  V is excited to reunite with her boyfriend, Wade...

I was needing some advice on how to fly with a baby.  My friend, April, gave me some great tips and I plan on using them...and referring back to them throughout our trip!  But now I need some advice on how to travel with a baby...during a hurricane!  BOOOOOO!!!!  Damn you, Irene!

As if I'm not stressed out enough traveling with a baby for the first I have to worry about evil Irene blowing us all away!  I know that hurricanes aren't something you take lightly...I'm just hoping and praying that she'll calm the (*expletive) down before we get there.  

I'm mentally packing right now, and so far, I've got 17 suitcases packed.  I'm thinking my husband will make me downsize...or he'll never let us go on a vacation again.  Maybe all I'll need to pack is a swimsuit, raincoat and rain boots...I hate you Irene!!!  

Now, I'm going to end this post with a story of V and her elephant, Ellie.  Enjoy!  :)  

Monday, August 8, 2011

Dear Violet...

Dear Violet,

Happy 1/2 birthday, my love!!  Seems like just yesterday that I was seeing double and thinking there was Corona in my IV!  (If this doesn't make sense to you, then read this post.)  The days between month 5 and month 6 have seriously flown by.  You are constantly changing on me...but I think I'm adjusting well to all the change!  ;)  For your 1/2 birthday present, I bought you a rockin' new stroller!  Okay, maybe that gift was more for me...but you really do like it!  I bought you a couple of new toys, too.  It's so crazy to think that in 6 more months, we'll be celebrating your 1st birthday.  And if these next 6 months go as fast as these past 6 months, I don't know what I'm going to do!  I love watching you grow, but as I put all the clothes that are too small for you away, it makes me sad.  If you grow too fast, I'm going to replace you with a new baby!!!  So you better slow down, lil lady!!  Here are some of the new things you've been doing this past month:

--You love love love swimming!  You are definitely going to be a water baby.  You kick your legs and splash water in your face, and it doesn't bother you at all.  This also means that you love bath time as well.  You splash water all over the place...including all over me!
--Your 6 month appointment is next week, so I don't know what your stats are yet.  However, YOU ARE HEAVY.  You used to feel so light and petite, but now, you're a hoss!  Well, you still look petite, but you're definitely gaining some weight!
--I stopped breastfeeding you about 2 weeks ago.  My goal was to breastfeed for 4 months.  And then I bumped up the goal to 6 months.  But I was just not producing enough milk for your growing hunger!  So, you had no problem eating some formula!  You didn't long as your belly wasn't empty!  So needless to say, weeding you wasn't difficult at all.  It was a little sad for me at first, but then I got over it and enjoy bottle feeding you now.
--You still aren't a fan of rice cereal.  
--We started you on baby food last week.  You love love love sweet potatoes!  You didn't like apples too much at first...I think it was too sour for you.  But now you love it!  You also love bananas as well.  I plan on making your baby food as soon as the baby food maker gets here!  
--You still drink 4--6 ounce bottles.  But it seems like you're less interested in the bottle.  I'm thinking the more baby food you eat, the less milk you'll drink!  Which is fine by me...formula is stinky!
--You're still a great sleeper.  But you move around SO MUCH....which wakes you up sometimes...grrrrr.  You pretty much do flips and somersaults while sleeping.  I'll look at the video monitor at night and see that you've completely switched top to bottom.  
--You like to sleep on your belly now.
--Considering you're doing flips flops while sleeping, we don't swaddle you anymore!  
--You love sitting in your new high chair.  
--When I cook or do dishes, I put you in your high chair and put you in the kitchen with me.  You love watching me do my thing in the kitchen.  
--I feel like you're going to start crawling at any moment!  You lay on your belly and pull yourself all around the place.  As soon as you figure out how to move your legs, you're going to be on the move...even more than what you are now!  Then my life will DRASTICALLY change...  
--You still take 2 naps.  You take an hour nap in the morning and then a 2 hour nap in the afternoon.  
--The week after 4th of July, you started losing your hair...and I was devastated!  You lost about half of your hair in one week.  Then it stopped falling out.  Thank goodness you still have a ton of hair!  (Which is still curly!)
--You can still fit into 3-6 month clothing but you're mainly wearing 6 month clothes.  
--You are very social now.  When you meet someone new, you study them really hard and then when they work hard enough, you'll give the a smile.  
--You are happy 23.5 hours of every single day.  
--You are definitely teething.  Drool drool drool!  You like to chew on my fingers and I've noticed that your gums feel a little bit softer than what they did a month ago.  
--You're still a chatterbox.  And you like talking at the top of your lungs!  You definitely get that from me.  
--You love to give kisses.  Wet, open mouthed kisses.  And I love getting those kisses more than anything.  
--Whenever you see me for the first time after being with Nam all day, you give one pitiful whimper.  Then you keep staring at me wondering when I'm going to hold you then you give one more whimper.  It's so pitiful and cute at the same time.
--You cry every time I wear my sunglasses.  You stare at me with wide eyes then your face starts to turn red and then you cry.  I'm not sure why my sunglasses scare you so much!  
--You no longer cry when in the carseat.  I think you finally enjoy riding in the car!  I can see you just looking around, staring out the window, chewing on your fingers and just being happy and content.  Such a good girl!
--You love it when I sing "Itsy Bitsy Spider" to you.  
--We're going to start going to Wiggles N Tunes next week and I can't wait!  
--We haven't been out and about too much this past's just been too too hot!  I can't wait for it to cool down so we can do more things...go to the park, go for walks, picnics, etc.
--You love other kids.  You let them hold you and you just stare at them.  It's the cutest thing!  
--You're sitting up like such a big girl now!
--When I rock you to sleep, you touch my face..and it's just the sweetest thing.

You have changed my life in more ways than I can ever explain...and I thank you for that.  Thank you for loving me and always showing me through your smiles, laughs, snuggles, and wet kisses, that you need me everyday.  My life is truly complete and my heart is completely whole because of you. 
