Monday, September 26, 2011

Hellooooo, Fall!

It's a gorgeous fall day and V and I decided to take full advantage of it!  She finally got over her cold and we decided to hit the swings at the park!  I can tell she loved feeling the wind in her hair and the warm sun on her sweet face.  I'm thinking later this evening, we'll go for a nice walk.  I can't wait to throw on a fleece!

We leave for Boston next week and I'm looking forward to my brother-in-law, Brian, giving me a (second) tutorial on how to use my camera.  Now that V is crawling all over the place, I need to learn how to take decent pics, while chasing a baby!  But I figured out I can take some good pics of her when I have her trapped in a swing!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Being Sick is Snot Any Fun!

So, we're going on day 6 of my sweet little babykins being sick.  And it totally sucks.  We've managed to keep her well for the past 7 months and with one sneeze, the poor thing caught something icky.  Real icky. This is what I've been doing these past 6 days:

1.  Wipe V's snotty nose.
2.  Slather vaseline all over her poor nose as she's shaking her head side to side to escape my fingers.
3.  Comfort her as she's screaming at me as if I've just ripped off her nose.
4.  Wash my snotty hands.
5.  Comfort her some more because she's still pissed at me.
6.  Wipe her snotty nose again because she's so angry that snot is flying out her nostrils.
7.  Suck out the snot w/the battery operated snot sucker.
8.  Put in ear plugs because now her screams are at a deafening level.
9.  Put saline drops in her nose...which end up everywhere BUT her nostrils.
10.  Wipe V's snotty nose.
11.  Slather vaseline all over her poor nose....

Okay, so you get the point.  I forgot to throw in that I've been changing my shirt at least 18 times a day because I'm covered in snot, vaseline and spit up.  I called the doctor and they told me that a cold will last about 2 weeks.  2 WEEKS?!?!  I HAVE TO GO THROUGH ANOTHER WEEK OF THIS???  Not to mention, she can't breathe at night so she wakes up pissed because she thinks someone just took her nose.  Oh, and on top of being sick, she's also been crawling EVERYWHERE and pulling up on EVERYTHING, which is awesome and fun to watch her grow so much...but it also means more tears when she falls and bumps her head...which means more stress for me!

I'm pretty sure she caught this nasty cold from an infected little rugrat at Wiggles N Tunes last week.  This little brat kept coughing all over the instruments.  I kept shooting dagger eyes at the mom.  How about you not bring your kid to a place where they share toys and instruments?!  I would've loved to take V to Wiggles N Tunes this morning, but there is NO WAY I want to spread this crap to other kids!  The worst part of all is that I missed my little nephew being born last Wednesday.  I'm completely heart broken.  And the worst part of that is, I still have to wait a few more days before I can see the sweet little peanut!  V is still sick and now I've got a sore throat!  All I want to do is snuggle with the little guy!  :(

Okay, sorry for ranting and raving about this cold.  I realize it's not the end of the world, and my sweet V WILL get better, but it really is heartbreaking to see her in such misery.  She's still my happy little baby a lot of the time, but I know she doesn't feel well, which makes me feel so helpless and kind of guilty!  (The pictures I posted may seem a little deceiving because she still looks so happy and not snotty.)

Poor little babykins...  :(

Not sure how I gave birth to a curly haired baby!  

Trying to get some fresh air

Dancing hippie baby!

Even though she's sick, she got dressed up to go to the Apple Fest!  

Adorable outfit made by my friend, Ashley!  

STOP, in the name of love!  

Kind of dazed at the fest...  

Ooh!  Steph wore earrings for me to pull!  

They're so shiny and look good in my hand!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Dear Violet...

Today you are 7 months old.  You are getting so close to being 1 now!!  Where has the time gone?  I'm already planning your first birthday (Dohl, in Korean) and I've got some great things planned!  But now I'm worried you're going to turn 1 too quickly!  Please slow down, doll!  

You're definitely keeping your Daddy and me on our toes with all the rolling and crawling that you're doing.  It seems like you learn different tricks every single day.  I can't keep up!  I feel like this past month, I've said "Yay!  Good job, Violet!!!" at least 10,000 times!  

You were an angel on your first vacation and it made your Daddy and me so proud of you!  I couldn't stop bragging about what a wonderful baby you were!  It makes me even more excited about our upcoming trip to Boston!  

Here are some of the things you've been up to this past month:

--You love watching me brush my teeth.  You sit there and just smile at me the whole time.  So cute!
--You are crawling!  Well, kind of.  You get on your hands and knees and take a few "steps" forward.  Then you lunge yourself forward to get to your end point.  
--You can go from the crawling position to sitting position.  
--We started you on solids right after you turned 6 months old.  You are a GREAT eater!  Except you still don't like, I've kind of given up on that for now.  But here's a list of foods you have eaten and love:
*Sweet Potato
Here's what you've eaten and you don't like so far:
*Butternut squash
I've been making all your baby food, and I feel like I'm a hippie when I make it!  This stage has been so much fun.
--You've been sleeping so well.  You take a morning nap around 9 am and sleep for an hour.  Then you take an afternoon nap around 2 pm and sleep for a couple of hours.  Then we start your bedtime process around 7:30 pm, you're in bed by 8 pm and you wake up at 7 am.  Not too bad!  I hope you keep this schedule for a long time!!  
--You went on your first flight and you were perfect.  Absolutely perfect.  We're going to Boston next month and I'm hoping you'll be as much of an angel!  If not, I'm passing you off you your Grandma and Grandpa, who will also be going to Boston with us! 
--After we got back from Florida, you tried to mimic Wadey's scream.  It was so amazing to see how quickly you pick up on things from other children/babies.  I could tell you were trying to copy his sound...but thankfully, your voice couldn't get that high!  It ended up just sounding like a dying cat.  You've kind of stopped making that sound now.  Hopefully you've forgotten it.  
--You are starting to get mad when you don't get your way or if I take something away from you that you're not supposed to have.  A mini angry Asian, perhaps??
--Your hair is getting ridiculously long.  But I just don't want to cut it yet!  You're still so small!  What 7 month old needs a hair cut?!
--You're wearing size 6 months clothes.  You've pretty much outgrown all your 3-6 clothes...some that have never been worn before.  
--You're finally in a size 3 diaper!  
--Your stats from your 6 month appointment are: 16. 2 pounds (49 %), 26 inches (64%) and 43.4 cm head size (74%).  I'm assuming by now, you're around 17 pounds.  You're still sweet and petite!  
--You have just started to get stranger anxiety.  You never really cried when strangers held you but now if a stranger is holding you, you start to whimper and look for your daddy or me.  
--You're getting better at putting yogurt bites into your mouth. 
--We started Wiggles N Tunes and so far you like it!
--You wave Bye Bye on command!  It's so sweet!
--You raise your arms in the hair and sometimes play, "How big is Violet?  Sooooo big!"
--Right now your favorite thing to say is, "Ba Ba Ba Ba."  
--You still drink about 4-6/7 ounce bottles everyday and eat solid food twice a day.  
--It's getting more difficult to take you out to eat now.  You're SO wiggly and don't want to sit still anymore...which makes for indigestion for Daddy and me!  
--You love it when I read books to you, but start to lose interest after the 4th book.  You try to close the book to tell me you're done!  

Thank you for being the sweetest little baby I could ever have imagined!  Your snuggles and your smiles make my world go round.  I hope your Daddy and I make you as happy as you make us.  I can't imagine what my world was like before you and can't remember ever being as happy as I am today.  I love you more than anything!!  xoxo
