Monday, January 24, 2011

dairy queen

So, I'm 38 weeks pregs today.  The past 35 weeks have somewhat flown by...but these past couple of weeks have been dragging by.  I haven't been in the mood to blog much because, let's face it, all I would be doing would be complaining about my aching hips, my swelling fingers, the fact that I can't even wear my watch anymore, how I grunt when I put on my boots, peeing like Seabiscuit every 30 minutes, my ever expanding nose, getting the new Victoria's Secret swimsuit catalog and ripping it into shreds and doing a rain dance on it...I mean, who wants to read about how miserable and cranky I am???  For the most part, this pregnancy has made me a nicer person!  I feel like it normalized all my crazy hormones (minus the missing extra sauce meltdown incident) and people have even commented on how I'm a nicer person now that I'm knocked the way, should I be offended by that?  Nah, I know it's true.  But these past couple of weeks have been torture for me.  Most days, I'm convinced that I have more than one baby in my belly.  I'm sure there are 4 feet playing soccer with my vital organs or possibly 3 babies swinging from my ribs.  No matter how many babies are dancing around in there, I'm ready for them to be out!

Lately, the only thing that calms my nerves is eating something sweet.  I've lost all my cravings (not that I had that many) and also I don't enjoy eating anymore.  But brownies, gooey butter cake and ice cream seem to loosen my choke hold around the victim closest to me.  I've never been an ice cream junky, but Dairy Queen has become my new best friend.  But all of a sudden, the words Dairy Queen have had a different effect on that I finished the book, Breastfeeding Sucks.  Meaning, in a couple of weeks, I will become the new Dairy Queen.  EEEEK!!!  I've never been a fan of scary movies, but I would rather watch Pet Cemetery (as you can tell, I haven't watched a scary movie in a long time...) a million times over than read this chilling book again!  But the most horrifying part is, I'll be living this book pretty soon!  I will become the new Dairy Queen, which is the scariest character in the book!!!  I've been having nightmares about breastfeeding!  I know that people all over the world do it everyday and it's not a big deal...but for some reason, I am terror stricken with the whole thing!  As much as I'm ready for my little lady to be here, I'm not sure if I'm ready to be a leaking milk machine 24 hours a day...I already warned my milk machine friends that they will be getting phone calls (at all hours of the day) so I can get some encouragement and not give up on my milking task.  All you Dairy Queen mom's out there, I nominate you for Anderson Cooper's CNN Heroes!!

A picture of Stephanie Dillow and me (hope you don't mind I'm using this pic, Steph!)
I'm using this as my 38 week photo...possibly the last time I stand in front of a camera!  

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