Wednesday, September 1, 2010

i don't think you're ready for this jelly...

So, here we are, finally in the month of September!  With every month that passes, I get a little bit more giddy inside knowing that February is that much closer!  However, I know that deep down, I'm not quite ready for February to get here.  Especially considering the office/nursery/storage room is a mess.  But in a couple of weeks, we'll get to find out the sex of babycakes!  Then all the fun shopping shall begin!  Yay!

People have been asking me to post pictures of my "cute" preggo belly...I hate to disappoint everyone, but I'm not one of those cute knocked up ladies with a perfectly round belly that looks as if I swallowed a mini-basketball.  Instead, I look like I have really bad gas or am severely constipated...not very "cute" if you ask me.  But I do get excited every week when I notice that my belly is getting a little bit bigger.  What I don't get excited about is that my ass is getting bigger as well.  I mean, I understand that I need to gain weight and that my belly is going to get bigger, but I'm not growing a baby in my ass...or boobs...or thighs.  So, why is it that every part of my body seems to be growing bigger??  (Except for my brain...I'm pretty sure that's the only thing shrinking...)  In the coming months, I expect my nose to expand across my face and look as if I'm growing a baby in my nose.  Yeah, yeah, yeah....I know it's all worth it in the end and I know I'll (hopefully) lose all the weight (and dimples) that I've acquired, but my daily (couture) wardrobe of a t-shirt and underwear are soon going to be affected as well...for all my t-shirts and underwear are size XS/S...  A bathrobe it is!

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