Monday, September 20, 2010

1/2 way there!

So, I'm 20 weeks pregs today which is extremely exciting!  Because that means I only have 20 more weeks until I get to meet my baby!  But wait, 20 more weeks sounds like a long time...grrrr...

I've had many highs and lows during these first 20 weeks (and I'm sure I'll have many many more to report during the last 20 weeks), but I'm happy to say, the highs definitely outweigh the lows...minus the extra sauce incident...which still devastates me to this day.

Let's start with some of the low points:
1.  Going from 0 to 60 from being happy to pure psychosis
2.  Burping every 3 seconds
3.  Having to pee every 30 minutes like a Russian racehorse
4.  Gaining weight
5.  Not being able to fit into ANY of my Marc Jacobs clothes
6.  Feeling puny and wimpy
7.  Crying during the iPhone commercials
8.  Tossing and turning all night long
9.  Listening to the stupid surgeon general about not drinking alcoholic beverages
10.  Headaches so bad I want to maul the face off of innocent victims (like the mailman)

Some of my high points:
1.  The look my husband's face when I told him I was pregnant
2.  Having a messy house and not giving a damn
3.  Seeing our baby's heartbeat at 7 weeks and realizing that I really WAS pregnant
4.  Trying to tell my dad on Father's Day that I was pregnant by giving him a baby bib and baby books, and my dad not understanding it at all
5.  Seeing our baby wave at us during the ultrasound
6.  Hearing the lady tell us that we're having a baby girl
7.  Seeing the look on my mother in law's face when we told her that she was finally getting her girl
8.  Hearing my 4 year old nephew say to me, "Aunt Soo, when I get bigger, and we go on the lake, I won't have to wear a life jacket, but the baby will.  She'll feel sad that I don't have to wear a life jacket and that she does....and that's not fair.  So, I'll wear one too, to make her happy...."
9.  Watching and listening to my husband talk to my belly
10.  Shopping for girl stuff!!!
11.  Realizing that this baby is going to be SO loved by not just our families, but by our friends as well
12.  Seeing her sweet little face

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