Monday, November 1, 2010

hello belly! buh-bye feet...

So, as you can see from the pictures, I'm getting significantly rounder and bigger.  I'm at 26 weeks and nearing the end of my second trimester.  Violet's room is still currently under construction and I'm not much help getting it ready...other than ordering things for her room and picking out decor and furniture...and laying down on her new carpet while munching on a mini Snickers while watching my husband put trim up or put furniture together...

I've really had the easiest pregnancy and can't complain (even though I still do) but am already beginning to get in the uncomfortable stage.  I toss and turn all night long and get up to pee at least 3 times in the middle of the night.  My back is starting to ache and breathing is getting to be a little bit harder...  Does this sound like complaining to you?  Because it's nothing if you ask my husband.  But along with the discomfort, I'm loving the little hip hop dancer growing in my belly!  Some days I think she may be from Jersey because there's definitely some fist pumping action going on in my belly!  Brad even got to feel her kick (or fist pump) for the first time last week.  Such an amazing feeling!  Amazing and yet, still a little weird...  All I know is, I'm so glad November is here (with the cooler weather) because that means February is right around the corner!


  1. So cute, mama <3 I miss you I'm so excited for Feb too !!

  2. So where are you finding maternity clothes for short girls?!? I'm gonna need help with that one day :)

  3. someday soon???? when are we having a lil towle???
    not really wearing maternity clothes...i'm just buying regular clothes that have a bit of stretch to it! maternity clothes are too expensive and not that stylish!
