Monday, August 23, 2010

lookin' like a fool with your pants on the ground

So, currently we're cleaning out the office and plan on transforming it into the nursery.  In the office, we have a closet that is filled with clothes, bags and shoes.  A few days ago, I cleaned out all of my clothes out of that closet and went from having 4 closets full of clothes to 3 closets full of clothes.  That's a pretty big consolidation considering how much clothes I have!  I might have an addiction to buying clothes, but I'm definitely not a hoarder....although you might think still having 3 closets full of clothes might be borderline hoarder...

So, these days, my daily wardrobe mainly consists of a t-shirt and underwear.  I don't have a job, it's too hot to leave the house and I'm freaking, no pants for me!  I usually have an emergency pair of pants or shorts sitting next to me in case I know the UPS man is going to make an appearance...but even then, I rarely answer the door considering I probably haven't showered or brushed my teeth yet....
I recently tried wearing my skinny jeans a couple of times...3 things:
1.  Skinny jeans and being knocked up do not mix
2.  My skinny jeans will probably never be the same again
3.  The rubberband technique is just bruising your pride
What's the rubberband technique?  Well, it's when you're too fat to button or zip up your pants and have too much pride to wear pants that fit.  You hide your shameful act with a long shirt and pray to God that no one is looking at your stomach...but you're so paranoid that you feel like the world is observing and judging your fashion faux pas.  Yes, I should probably break down and buy maternity pants, but at 16 weeks, I'm still in denial.  Plus, I'm quite comfy in my t-shirt and underwear...I may just be in hiding for the next 5ish months just so I don't have to wear pants ever again.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of my wife. I never thought you would except a Macgyver tactic to keep wearing clothes. I am rubbing off on you.

