Monday, December 20, 2010

shop til you...pop??

So, this last Friday, I went on a shopping trip to the durrrty Lou with my two friends, Brooke & Bridget.  We go on an annual Christmas shopping trip to STL every December in hopes of getting some Christmas shopping done...without killing other shoppers or getting killed, I suppose.  However, every year, it seems that my Christmas shopping list gets a little neglected by my own selfish wants and needs.  Sure, I knock a few people off of my list, but usually I'm the one that comes out on top with the most gifts!  Yeah, selfish I know...but the way I explain it to my husband is that Christmas shopping is hard work!  It's stressful and other shoppers make it a day from hell!  So, until HE decides he'll do all the Christmas shopping, I'll treat myself to a few gifts for doing all the hard work!

Well, this year was different.  Not only did I avoid some of my favorite stores because I can't fit into anything, but my focus turned out to be buying V some cute clothes!  Yes, I realize she's not even here, but if you could've seen the cute clothes they had for baby girls, you would've done the same thing!  So, not only did I not buy myself a ton a stuff, I found myself taking breaks with the grumpy old grandpas who were either snoozing away or glaring at every teenager that walked by.  (I wasn't snoozing but I did catch myself glaring at some teenagers...)  If only you could've seen me shopping in my prime back in the day.  (*sigh*)  I could shop for 12 hours, without a break, with heels on!  I'm afraid those days are long gone!  With every step I took, I felt the need to pee.  And with every pee break I took, I got thirsty.  It was a vicious, vicious cycle that never ended!  As the day progressed, I could sense a little bit (actually, probably a lot) of a waddle in my step.  I could feel my feet swelling up and a permanent scowl come across my face.  My poor friends might cut me out of the shopping trip if I'm ever pregnant again!  But all in all, I had fun shopping with my friends, buying my little lady some cute stuff and treating myself to a piece of cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory!  Once Christmas is over, the countdown will really be on!  7 weeks to go!

One of my favorite outfits that I bought for V.  :)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

i love my family, friends and cake balls...

This past weekend, I was super spoiled by my friends and family at my baby shower.  Seriously, the amount of gifts that we received was ridiculous!  This lil lady is gonna be so loved and so spoiled!  My awesome friends and sister threw me the most amazing shower and I'm so completely grateful for them!  I truly believe that they're just as excited about my pregnancy as I am!  And all our friends and family that came out to the shower just put me on cloud 9.  They all sure know how to make a fat lady feel loved...

In case you're wondering, there are many differences between a baby shower and bridal are some of the biggies:
1.  Opening gifts can be a bit challenging, considering you can't bend over and you don't have a lap to put the gifts on.
2.  In the middle of opening gifts, you must have a friend fan you because you might die of a hot flash.
3.  Getting a diaper genie is way more exciting than getting fine china!
4.  The bride never really cares about eating the cake at her shower, but cake balls are the best thing that a pregnant fattie could ever indulge in!  In fact, I think I dreamt about them months prior to my baby shower...

Here are some pics from the baby shower:
These are the cake balls...but should be called cake amaze-balls!  

With the Poole ladies!

12 weeks vs 31 weeks

Love these ladies!

With Violet's grandmas.

All my favesies (minus my sissy who couldn't fly in from Boston) that threw me the most wonderful shower ever!  Love you, girlies!  

I also wanted to share some pictures from Violet's nursery.  I must admit, her room is my favorite room in the house!  Every day, I go in and open the curtains and get so excited for the day that I'll get to pick her up out of her crib and just snuggle with her!  

I just love how the curtains turned out!  

Still need to add bookshelves and floating shelves...  

Got this little guy at the shower and I just love him!  

My mother in law's friend made these for the sweet!  

She got so many great books at the shower!  I can't wait to read them all to her!

My little Violet will have so much fun playing with her My Pal Violet!  :)

This is just a picture of her first bikini that I ordered for her!  It's so tiny and so cute!  She's going to be one adorable beach babe this coming summer!  

Friday, December 3, 2010

you're all i need to get by

I'm coming to the end of my 30th week being pregnant and I could not be happier!  I'm happy that I'm about 9 weeks closer to meeting my little lady and I'm happy that with the ultrasound we had on Wednesday, our Violet is growing strong and healthy!  According to the ultrasound tech, she already has a full head of hair that is sticking straight up!  I'm just picturing her now...coming out with a full head of black spiky hair!  I can't wait!  If she comes out with a ton a hair, we can definitely give credit to her dad for that.  When he came out (practically a 1 month old), his hair came past his ears!  His mom said he basically needed a haircut the day he was born... We also saw during the ultrasound that V is a thumb sucker and has chubby cheeks...I'm seriously in love...

When I look at her ultrasound pictures, my heart just melts into mush...and the song that comes to mind is "You're All I Need to Get By" (preferably the Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell version!).  I'm quite certain there isn't anything I wouldn't do for my V...

You're all I need to get by.
Like the sweet morning dew, I took one look at you,
And it was plain to see,
you were my destiny. With my arms open wide,
I threw away my pride
I'll sacrifice for you
Dedicate my life to you
I will go where you lead
Always there in time of need
And when I lose my will
You'll be there to push me up the hill
There's no, no looking back for us
We got love sure 'nough, that's enough
You're all, You're All I need to get by.

You're all I need to get by.
Like an eagle protects his nest, for you I'll do my best,
Stand by you like a tree, dare anybody to try and move me
Darling in you I found
Strength where I was torn down
Don't know what's in store but together we can open any door
Just to do what's good for you and inspire you a little higher
I know you can make a man out of a soul that didn't have a goal
Cause we, we got the right foundation and with love and determination

You're all, you're all I want to strive for and do a little more
You're all, all the joys under the sun wrapped up into one
You're all, You're all I need to get by.

It looks like she's waving at us!  

She's grabbing her foot...and her foot looks huge!  Maybe that means my little lady will not be a shorty like her mama!  

I've got a thumb sucker with chubby cheeks!  

Another angle of her sucking her thumb...

This is her head and the white fluff coming out of the right side is her spiky hair!  

Her dad thinks she looks like him in this picture...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

shutterfly is so fly!

So, is offering a great deal for bloggers ( to receive 50 free Christmas cards!  I have about 25 favorites that I want to choose from...but I think I've narrowed it down to one...or two...  But not only does Shutterfly offer unique and contemporary Christmas cards, they also offer an array of products that you can customize for gifts or to decorate your home!  With our little lady making her grand appearance sometime in February, I already know that I’ll be ordering some canvas prints

or some mounted wall art 
to start her shrine!  J 

When Brad and I got married 3 years ago, we bought the digital files from our photographer and made photo books for our family as Christmas gifts.  I'm sure I'll be doing the same thing for baby photo books.  

I know the big website this year is supposed to be to order your Christmas cards from, but with all the special deals that Shutterfly is offering, I’ll definitely be ordering my Christmas cards from them.  Right now, they’re even offering free shipping on orders that total $25.  I even got a promo in the mail that is giving me $10 off an order of $50 or more.  With all these specials, how can you pass up Shutterfly??  Now, I need to get back to figuring out which card I'm going to order!  

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

a stuffed turkey

So, here I sit, fat and plump like a stuffed fitting considering we're a couple of weeks away from Thanksgiving!  I never imagined that my skin could stretch so much and that I could look so round.  The scary part is, I'm probably going to still get significantly rounder!  We had our friend, Joe Gray, from Grayscale Photographic, take some maternity pictures for us this past weekend.  I have to admit, I wasn't thrilled about getting fat pictures taken.  I did it because I felt like it was something that we were SUPPOSED to do.  But after looking at some of the pictures, I was really happy that we had them done.  I've always been weight conscious and always critiquing my own appearance, so for the first time during my pregnancy, I felt pretty confident after looking at the pictures.  Not to mention, Joe did an amazing job and managed to make a fat lady happy about her pictures!  Do I plan on ordering a poster size picture of myself?  Hells no.  But will I look at the pictures and cherish these last 3 months being pregnant?  Most definitely. 

Monday, November 8, 2010

last week of my second trimester! woot woot!

As I enter the last week in my second trimester, I'm trying to take in all that Brad and I have been through these past 27 weeks.  We've had our highs and we've had our lows, but one thing is for sure, we've learned a lot about each other and about growing a baby and giving birth to a baby.

The hubs and I went to an all day (7 hour!!!) birthing class this past Saturday.  Not exactly the way I wanted to spend my Saturday, but we felt it was something that would benefit us in the long run.  Did we learn a lot?  Yes.  Did we want to run out of there a million times? YES!  There are just certain words that you just don't need to hear over and over again (mucous plug, amniotic sac, leaking of urine, effacement of cervix, discharge, pain, vomiting, kegels, get the point.  And if you don't know what those words mean, I suggest that you DON'T look them up!).  There are also certain visuals that don't ever need to be seen by the naked eye.  The instructor/nurse showed us all a poster of the organs of a non pregnant woman and the organs of a pregnant woman.  What I learned from that poster were that my intestines have disappeared and my bladder is flatter than a pancake and I may or may not pee my pants every time I sneeze...for the rest of my life.  What else I learned was that people should definitely need some sort of license to have a baby!  There was one couple that I'm sure never would've passed the test to have a kid.  I'm quite sure the baby daddy never even stepped foot in a regular school so I was quite surprised that he came to a birthing class.  I already felt embarrassed for the little nugget growing in the mom's belly...  But all in all, we learned a lot of good tips, that I'm sure I'll forget once I'm in serious agony and pain.  I'll probably forget all the breathing techniques and just resort to choking the closest person to me.  Surely that will relieve some of my pain and suffering.

On a happier note, we finished putting all the baby furniture together.  The nursery isn't complete, but it sure does look like a nursery.  A very sweet and happy nursery.  Even though we're having a girl, I just couldn't imagine having an all pink room.  Not that there is anything wrong with pink walls, but that's just not for me.  If the little lady wants pink walls as she gets older, then fine.  But not now.  No pink walls in my house.  I found her Moroccan themed Caden Lane bedding on the day after we found out the baby was a girl.  It was fate!  I absolutely fell in love with it!  It's all kinds of different colors--pink, turquoise, brown, salmon, cream--so I decided to paint her walls turquoise.  I must admit, I'm seriously in love with it!  I ordered some custom curtains that will really finish off the room and I'll still need to order a glider chair.  There is still a lot of decorating that needs to be done, but if the little lady decided that she needed a room sooner than her due date, well, it's ready for her to move in!  Putting all the furniture together was a lot of fun and really got us even more excited about her arrival!  3 months feels so far away!  But I know it'll be here before we know it!  I'm so ready to meet our little lady!

The outside of her bumper.  

The inside of the bumper and the sheet on the mattress.  So many different patterns and colors and I love it!

I think it looks great against the turquoise walls!  

A close up of the Moroccan themed blanket.  

I love love love Caden Lane! 

The end result of the crib!  Yay!  

Yay!  We passed!  Time to have a baby!  Well, in 3 months...  

Monday, November 1, 2010

hello belly! buh-bye feet...

So, as you can see from the pictures, I'm getting significantly rounder and bigger.  I'm at 26 weeks and nearing the end of my second trimester.  Violet's room is still currently under construction and I'm not much help getting it ready...other than ordering things for her room and picking out decor and furniture...and laying down on her new carpet while munching on a mini Snickers while watching my husband put trim up or put furniture together...

I've really had the easiest pregnancy and can't complain (even though I still do) but am already beginning to get in the uncomfortable stage.  I toss and turn all night long and get up to pee at least 3 times in the middle of the night.  My back is starting to ache and breathing is getting to be a little bit harder...  Does this sound like complaining to you?  Because it's nothing if you ask my husband.  But along with the discomfort, I'm loving the little hip hop dancer growing in my belly!  Some days I think she may be from Jersey because there's definitely some fist pumping action going on in my belly!  Brad even got to feel her kick (or fist pump) for the first time last week.  Such an amazing feeling!  Amazing and yet, still a little weird...  All I know is, I'm so glad November is here (with the cooler weather) because that means February is right around the corner!

Monday, October 18, 2010

nervous nelly

So, I'm 24 weeks pregs and still feel like I have a long way to go...but in reality, her grand appearance is right around the corner!  I've been a little lazy with my posts lately but in the mean time, all I've really been doing is worrying, thinking, stressing, know, all the things a good mother should be doing??  I've never been one to worry or stress out about things.  I wasn't even really stressed while writing my thesis.  I'm always organized and have a lot of confidence in myself that I'll accomplish my goals.  However, it's completely different when you're having a baby.  No longer can I count on my planner, Blackberry or laptop to keep me organized.  Having a baby is a whole 'nother ball game.

It doesn't help that everything I read or hear about what you should and should not do, contradict each other.  For instance, on the Today Show this morning, they discussed that what we do in the 9 months of being pregnant not only shapes the way the baby will be when he/she is born, but it will shape the rest of his/her life...meaning whether or not your child will grow up to have cancer, or heart disease, or mental illness.  Yes, I realize I need to be healthy while pregnant in order to have a healthy baby, but really?  If my child gets cancer when he/she is 90 it will be MY fault because I drank too much coffee while pregnant?!  Or my child having a heart attack at the age of 80 is MY fault because I didn't eat enough spinach while pregnant?!  Also, they said that a certain amount of stress while pregnant is healthy for the baby.  But not too much stress...but a healthy amount of stress.  WHAT THE HECK DOES THAT MEAN?  Did they say what was a "healthy" amount of stress?  Of course not!  How can you even measure stress?  Is there a mood ring out there specific just for stress levels??  How about counting how many meltdowns you've had that week.  1-2 meltdowns = a healthy amount of stress and 15-20 meltdowns = a future with DCFS??  Is stressing out about the level of stress, healthy stress???

I think the sad part is, I've realized that, for the rest of my life, I will be worrying, stressing and thinking about my child/children 24/7.  In essence, I've already turned into my mother...

Monday, September 20, 2010

1/2 way there!

So, I'm 20 weeks pregs today which is extremely exciting!  Because that means I only have 20 more weeks until I get to meet my baby!  But wait, 20 more weeks sounds like a long time...grrrr...

I've had many highs and lows during these first 20 weeks (and I'm sure I'll have many many more to report during the last 20 weeks), but I'm happy to say, the highs definitely outweigh the lows...minus the extra sauce incident...which still devastates me to this day.

Let's start with some of the low points:
1.  Going from 0 to 60 from being happy to pure psychosis
2.  Burping every 3 seconds
3.  Having to pee every 30 minutes like a Russian racehorse
4.  Gaining weight
5.  Not being able to fit into ANY of my Marc Jacobs clothes
6.  Feeling puny and wimpy
7.  Crying during the iPhone commercials
8.  Tossing and turning all night long
9.  Listening to the stupid surgeon general about not drinking alcoholic beverages
10.  Headaches so bad I want to maul the face off of innocent victims (like the mailman)

Some of my high points:
1.  The look my husband's face when I told him I was pregnant
2.  Having a messy house and not giving a damn
3.  Seeing our baby's heartbeat at 7 weeks and realizing that I really WAS pregnant
4.  Trying to tell my dad on Father's Day that I was pregnant by giving him a baby bib and baby books, and my dad not understanding it at all
5.  Seeing our baby wave at us during the ultrasound
6.  Hearing the lady tell us that we're having a baby girl
7.  Seeing the look on my mother in law's face when we told her that she was finally getting her girl
8.  Hearing my 4 year old nephew say to me, "Aunt Soo, when I get bigger, and we go on the lake, I won't have to wear a life jacket, but the baby will.  She'll feel sad that I don't have to wear a life jacket and that she does....and that's not fair.  So, I'll wear one too, to make her happy...."
9.  Watching and listening to my husband talk to my belly
10.  Shopping for girl stuff!!!
11.  Realizing that this baby is going to be SO loved by not just our families, but by our friends as well
12.  Seeing her sweet little face

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

"Fagers have boys..."

...but not THIS Fager!  Yep!  It's true!  We've broken the cycle of "Fagers have boys..."!  Looks like we're gonna have a little diva on our hands!  We got to see her sweet little face and she even waved at us for a bit!  Everything looked great and she is "very active."  We feel so happy and so very blessed!  It was by far, one of the best days of our lives!  Now, I gotta get off this blog so I can shop!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

miss piggie and the brat

So, I finally broke down and bought and wore a maternity dress.  I'm not proud about it, but I guess I am happy that my belly is getting bigger?  Anyways, the dress is still a little big on me...but only on days that I don't eat the all-you-can-eat fried chicken dinner at Giant City Lodge...

This past weekend, I got to meet up with my best friend and her 17 month old boy, Lincoln, who live in Kansas City.  It's so cute because Lincoln is starting to say words and make animal sounds.  Well, it was cute in the beginning.  My friend and I were trying to teach Lincoln to say my name but most of the time he just gave me a blank stare...until one last time when we tried to get him to say my name, he pointed at me and said, "Oink oink."  In case you don't know what animal sound that is, Lincoln basically called me a pig.  Twice.  My friend just started laughing and I was just glaring at the kid.  The kid that I used to love dearly.  Then my friend said, "No, Lincoln.  Her name is Soo.  Try saying 'Soo'."  Then once again, the little brat said, "Oink oink."  Bullying sure is starting at a much younger age these days...  All I know is, Lincoln might be left off of "Oink Oink's" Christmas list...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

i don't think you're ready for this jelly...

So, here we are, finally in the month of September!  With every month that passes, I get a little bit more giddy inside knowing that February is that much closer!  However, I know that deep down, I'm not quite ready for February to get here.  Especially considering the office/nursery/storage room is a mess.  But in a couple of weeks, we'll get to find out the sex of babycakes!  Then all the fun shopping shall begin!  Yay!

People have been asking me to post pictures of my "cute" preggo belly...I hate to disappoint everyone, but I'm not one of those cute knocked up ladies with a perfectly round belly that looks as if I swallowed a mini-basketball.  Instead, I look like I have really bad gas or am severely constipated...not very "cute" if you ask me.  But I do get excited every week when I notice that my belly is getting a little bit bigger.  What I don't get excited about is that my ass is getting bigger as well.  I mean, I understand that I need to gain weight and that my belly is going to get bigger, but I'm not growing a baby in my ass...or boobs...or thighs.  So, why is it that every part of my body seems to be growing bigger??  (Except for my brain...I'm pretty sure that's the only thing shrinking...)  In the coming months, I expect my nose to expand across my face and look as if I'm growing a baby in my nose.  Yeah, yeah, yeah....I know it's all worth it in the end and I know I'll (hopefully) lose all the weight (and dimples) that I've acquired, but my daily (couture) wardrobe of a t-shirt and underwear are soon going to be affected as well...for all my t-shirts and underwear are size XS/S...  A bathrobe it is!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

i'm no betty draper

So, I finally finished watching season 2 of Mad Men....great season, by the way.  Usually when I watch Mad Men, all I can look at and think about is the ever-so-handsome, Don Draper.  I'm pretty sure in my next life, I'm going to marry Jon Hamm (sorry Brad).  But as I was watching season 2, I kept getting distracted with how much Betty Draper drank and smoked while knocked up.  It's crazy to think that they all probably drank and smoked.  How did our parents' generation end up being so...normal?  I'm sure there are several of us that would beg to differ...but for the most part, they came out addicted to martinis and unfiltered Lucky Strike cigarettes!  Today, there are so many do's and don'ts (pretty excessive, if you ask me) to pregnancy that it gets a bit overwhelming!  I feel guilty when I drink a cup of coffee in the morning...but it's either that or having a headache so bad that I get in my car and drive to my husband's work and maul his face off for getting me knocked up...

This past weekend I was in St. Louis visiting with some of my best friends.  Our usual weekends in St. Louis consist of Cardinal's games, patio bars, dancing til our feet become nubs, and Taco Bell at 4:00 in the morning.  This trip was a bit different for me...usually we (5 girls) try to start a brawl between any Cubs' fan that may come a bit too close to our circle--yes, Jersey Shore style.  Or, if a guy tries to dance with one of us 5 girls,  he gets yelled and screamed at and basically so humiliated that he'll probably never enter that establishment again for fear of running into us.  But this time, we were all exhausted by 11 pm.  We had no desire to go dancing....we had no desire to get Taco Bell as the sun came up...all we had a desire for were our beds and a pillow.  Not being able to drink booze definitely changed my behavior.  We were at one of my friend's surprise birthday parties, and I fell asleep in a 10:30 pm.  And like I said, booze was not involved!  Betty Draper definitely would not have fallen asleep, in a chair, at a party, at 10:30 pm... (Sigh...)

Monday, August 23, 2010

lookin' like a fool with your pants on the ground

So, currently we're cleaning out the office and plan on transforming it into the nursery.  In the office, we have a closet that is filled with clothes, bags and shoes.  A few days ago, I cleaned out all of my clothes out of that closet and went from having 4 closets full of clothes to 3 closets full of clothes.  That's a pretty big consolidation considering how much clothes I have!  I might have an addiction to buying clothes, but I'm definitely not a hoarder....although you might think still having 3 closets full of clothes might be borderline hoarder...

So, these days, my daily wardrobe mainly consists of a t-shirt and underwear.  I don't have a job, it's too hot to leave the house and I'm freaking, no pants for me!  I usually have an emergency pair of pants or shorts sitting next to me in case I know the UPS man is going to make an appearance...but even then, I rarely answer the door considering I probably haven't showered or brushed my teeth yet....
I recently tried wearing my skinny jeans a couple of times...3 things:
1.  Skinny jeans and being knocked up do not mix
2.  My skinny jeans will probably never be the same again
3.  The rubberband technique is just bruising your pride
What's the rubberband technique?  Well, it's when you're too fat to button or zip up your pants and have too much pride to wear pants that fit.  You hide your shameful act with a long shirt and pray to God that no one is looking at your stomach...but you're so paranoid that you feel like the world is observing and judging your fashion faux pas.  Yes, I should probably break down and buy maternity pants, but at 16 weeks, I'm still in denial.  Plus, I'm quite comfy in my t-shirt and underwear...I may just be in hiding for the next 5ish months just so I don't have to wear pants ever again.

Friday, August 20, 2010

whatever you do, don't forget the extra sauce

So, I kinda took a hiatus from blogging...not really because I forgot and not really because I got lazy (let's face it, I'm unemployed...I don't have anything better to do!) but I stopped because I started thinking that some of the things that I was feeling were really personal and didn't necessarily want to share with the world (aka--all 7 of my followers)... So, instead, I went to Barnes and Noble and bought a journal. Sure, I kept up with that for a bit, but I only wrote in that right before I went to sleep...and these days, as soon as my butt hits the bed, I'm comatose...unless my bladder is about to explode. So, that didn't last long either. So, here I am today...back in the blogging saddle....and I'm going to try my best to keep at it...

So, as of now, I'm almost 16 weeks pregs... We had a doctor's appointment on Wednesday and we got to hear the heartbeat....well, kinda. I chugged a cup of coffee right before the appointment so when the doctor was trying to catch the heartbeat, babycakes would start doing flips and basically, I already have a stubborn baby...just like I told the doctor that I'm still waiting for the mythical "2nd trimester energy boost" and she laughed at me and said, "Yeah, not everyone gets that might be one of them." Right after the appointment, I went home and made a voodoo doll of the doctor. Which leads me to my next point...I think I've gone crazy (but don't you dare call me crazy or I'll shank you in your sleep). The one thing that I can't get used to with this pregnancy is the loss of control of my emotions. I've never really been a crier (a whiner and pouter, yes, but not a crier) but pregnancy = Niagara Falls of tears... A few weeks ago, the hubs was going to bring home takeout. I told him, whatever you do, DON'T FORGET THE EXTRA SAUCE. Now, I'm not trying to point fingers, but...he was a horrible husband and forgot the extra sauce. I opened my box and immediately looked for the extra sauce. When it was nowhere to be found, I left the table crying so hard as if someone had told me I'd never be a good enough dancer to make it on So You Think You Can Dance. I cried for an hour....over the missing extra sauce. And the only thing that calmed me down was my husband going and getting me Dairy Queen.... These are not actions of a sane person. I try to do breathing techniques, I try to exercise, I watch a lot of Bravo, and I read a lot of Perez Hilton...but nothing can stop the tears from coming if the sauce has been forgotten. NOTHING. Just thinking about the forgotten extra sauce is about to unleash the waterfalls right one is one.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

spanx on the fourth of july...

I find it odd that whenever people find out that I'm knocked up, they think that it's their duty to scare me with their child bearing/birthing nightmare stories...people that I've never even met before! They're telling me how their vaginas and nipples and bladder (oh my!) will never be the same again. And all I'm saying is, "Oh...mmmhmmm...oh yeah? You still pee your pants? Wow. That sucks." I mean, I guess they think they're doing me a favor by telling me everything, but I just as soon not one point, I thought this lady was going to spread her legs and show me her battle wounds! And I had just met her that day! I guess in my mind, a stork is going to bring me my baby on February 7th. Not any sooner and not any later. I don't plan on spreading my legs for the world to see. I just plan on taking a nap and waking up to a beautiful (non Asian Chris Farley) baby!

With the fourth of July coming up, there are so many things going on. Boating, pool parties, bbqs, which none of those things sound appealing to me. I mean, two months ago, I would've tried to attend every single 4th of July party! But the thought of being in a bikini makes me want to vomit! I mean, why would I do that to someone else? I'm bloated, cranky and unemployed...not a good combination. However, one of my besties is having a huge pool party on Saturday, which I will most likely make an appearance...but I already warned her that under my bikini, I plan on wearing a sports bra and spanx...that'll teach her to have an awesome pool party when I'm knocked up!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

my fam...

Being knocked up makes me wish my family lived a lot closer... :(

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Lactation Lingo

So, last night I had a nightmare that we brought the baby home and after we got home, I realized that the nurse forgot to show me how to breastfeed the baby. I was in a panic. I was yelling at the hubs to google it!

So, this morning, I started reading this book, Breastfeeding Sucks, that my lovely friend, Linz, bought for me. I was hoping that this book would ease my fears about breastfeeding, but with words like: clogged ducts, spewing from your breasts, nipple cream, nursing bras (like I mentioned before, Hannah Montana training bras are the closest thing to a bra that I wear...), saggy boobs, latch on, nipple shields, I'm thinking--ignorance is bliss?? Good thing I still have 7 months to get used to all this lactation lingo! Okay, time to read the chapter, "Booby Traps, aka Nursing Bras"... Help?

Monday, June 28, 2010

i love beans!!! well, sorta...

So, today, I went to the gym to lift some weights and try to get some of my strength back after being a lazy wimp for the past few weeks. So, I'm working with my trainer and he's making me do squats and dead lifts. No big deal...when you're not knocked up! Instead of focusing on my form and making sure I was doing the squat or lift correctly, I was trying my hardest not to fart! Like I mentioned before, one of my symptoms has been frequent gas! This is not a problem that I've ever had before. In fact, I've never even farted in front of my husband! Tomorrow I'll be in the cardio room...which has a lot more fans blowing...

On a lighter (non-airy) note, I'm 8 weeks preggo today. Babycakes is the size of a kidney bean! Its tail should (hopefully) be gone by now and it's starting to form webbed fingers and toes! Sounds...cute? For those of you that don't know me, I hate beans. I hate beans more than anything in the whole wide world. More than global warming....more than accidentally passing gas...more than Miley Cyrus!! The sight of beans makes me very very angry! However, so many of the babycakes updates compares it to a bean! A couple of weeks ago, it was the size of a lentil bean. This week, a kidney bean. So, I guess I need to change my opinion on beans....for now. This week, I love kidney long as someone is NOT eating them in front of me! And if you do, I think I have free range to punch you in the face since I'm knocked up! (That's definitely NOT the hormones speaking...that's just my usual tone...)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

dance moves like

So, yesterday, the hubs was a best man in a wedding. Usually, if I have a wedding to go to, I always buy a new matter how many (new) dresses that I have in my closet (it's a disease). Well, I had 4 new dresses hanging in my closet that have never been touched. I had just planned on wearing one of the 4....tried on #1...couldn't get it zipped up past my boobs. Tried on #2...same thing. Tried on #3...again, same outcome. At this point, I was getting frustrated and started sweating, cussing and eventually almost crying. How could it be possible that I'm only (almost) 8 weeks along, and my dresses ALREADY don't fit?! WTF? So, I tried on brand new dress #4 and you could guess the outcome. I dug in my closet and saw a romper that I've never worn before and by the grace of God, it zipped up past my boobs. I always thought I wanted to have big boobs, but I take that back...give me back my training bra size chest!!!

So, at the wedding reception, I quickly realized that I would probably be the only sober one by the end of the night...not a position that I'm used to being in... My hubs got everyone to rally and get on the dance floor. This, of course, was after many beers and shots of Jager (ew...gonna puke just thinking about it....). The dj played some fast country songs that lit a fire in my husband's ass. His eyes got a wild look in them and he started getting crazy legs! It was like his legs were on fast forward! I even rubbed my eyes in disbelief! He literally could've cut a rug!! Then he started doing some "Elaine" dance moves...and I was mortified! I was especially mortified for the fetus in my belly! It's like I got pregnant and one of the symptoms that my husband got was dancing like a dad!!!! And today, he's hobbling around like a grandpa...

Saturday, June 26, 2010

blueberry bush

So, I've been reading through every book, every article and listening to every woman that's ever given birth to another human being....I'm trying to prepare myself for all the changes that are about to happen to my body and to my brain. However, there seems to be a lot of missing info out there. Here are some of my pregnancy symptoms that I haven't found in any book or article:

1. I cried while watching Khloe and Lamar's wedding (which I've already seen at least 4 times)
2. I cried that Patrick Swayze was dead
3. I put soap on my toothbrush instead of toothpaste
4. I almost started crying in the car because Celine Dion was playing on my iPod
5. I had to unbutton my skinny jeans because my bladder was about to explode
6. I have, a lot
7. Vinegar vinegar vinegar! That's all I want!
8. I understand that babycakes is only the size of a blueberry, but I'm so bloated that I'm quite convinced the article meant blueberry bush...not blueberry...

asian chris farley baby?

So, a few nights ago, I had a dream that the baby was all didn't look Korean at all. Then the very next night, I had a dream that the baby was all Fager gene to be found. So of course, it got me thinking who the baby is going to look like! I'd like to think the Korean gene is pretty strong, but I'm not sure if it can compete with the Fager gene!

When looking at the pics above, it's clear to see that my husband, as a baby, resembled Chris Farley...this does concern me a bit. Does that mean my baby is going to look like an Asian Chris Farley? Another topic of concern is just how big baby Chris Farley was when he was born...over 11 pounds!! 11 pounds!!!!! And I'm 5'1" and 114 pounds!!! When I went to get my first ultrasound the other day, I should've went ahead and scheduled my c-section...

Friday, June 25, 2010

here's the proof! but i still need a pee stick intervention...

Here's our little babycakes! It's the size of a blueberry and has a tail and paddles...hopefully he/she will grow out of that phase??

pee stick intervention please?

So, as I mentioned before, it was a pretty big miracle that we got preggo! During the month of April and May, I was pretty much peeing on a stick for a month trying to track my ovulation. On May 15th, I finally got a positive that I was ovulating...I didn't quite believe the pink lines, so I continued to pee on a stick. I talked to my doctor and she said, "Ummmm...why are you still peeing on a stick? You already had a positive ovulation. You can stop now." Sure, she's a doctor, went to med school and probably can play the cello and write poetry....but I didn't believe her or the pee stick. So, I continued to pee on a stick. But then it went from being addicted to peeing on an ovulation stick to peeing on a pregnancy stick...and up until today, I still feel like I should be peeing on a stick every time I sit on a toilet... Do you think Candy Finnigan can help?

my friends made me...

So, I was gabbing with two of my close girlfriends tonight and actually broke the news to one of them that my husband and I were going to have a baby....that I was knocked up! After I began to tell them my symptoms, stories and problems, they talked me into keeping a blog about my trials and tribulations of being a knocked up woman and being unemployed. Doesn't sound too spectacular, but they seemed to think my stories were pretty, here we go!

As of 21 days ago, the hubs and I figured out I was knocked up. Sure, we're super duper excited, but really didn't expect it to happen this quickly... Why you ask? Well, I never really had a period which meant I never really ovulated which means that it's a pretty big miracle that we got pregnant so, at all! But apparently Clomid is the miracle drug! I'm pretty sure it could bring someone back from the dead! Got a migraine? Pop some Clomid! Have to get your foot amputated? Take a couple Clomids on a full stomach! So, as of today, I'm 7 weeks and 5 days preggo...